Gifting because a special occasion is around the corner or gifting just because you want to, our White Roses Bunch-Grand bouquet is something that is the perfect gift for all seasons are reasons! This token of love comes with a whole of 36 fresh and milky white roses in full bloom, all ready to woo their way into your heart. This lovely bunch is very special to us and we assure you, it will be equally special to you and your loved ones too because there is no gift as pure and as spellbinding as this! So hurry up and click away on the Buy Now button!
Product Details
- Flower Type: Rose
- Color of Flower: White
- No of flower type: 36
- Fillers: white gypsophila gypsy flower fillers
- Packaging: Non Woven Packing Paper
- Bow: Beautifully Tied with Ribbon