Double the dozen means double the joy! Our White Roses Bunch-Deluxe bouquet is joy magnified for it comes with 24 of the most beautiful and pristine white roses that our garden has to offer. With their lovely petals in full bloom, these bunch blossoms come prepared to usher in a wave of calmness, peace, and prosperity in the life of the recipient. So if you are looking for a gift that spells elegance and class, this is a bouquet that will fit your needs. Your time is of the essence, so don't waste it anymore on thinking and order this bundle of love now!
Product Details
- Flower Type: Rose
- Color of Flower: White
- No of flower type: 24
- Fillers: white gypsophila gypsy flower fillers
- Packaging: Non Woven Packing Paper
- Bow: Beautifully Tied with Ribbon