When flowers bloom their beautiful heads out of the lap of the earth, even the birds, bees and breeze starts singing songs of their unmatched glory. With our Red Roses Bloom bouquet, we present to you 40 such gorgeous red roses, plucked with love and care, straight from our garden and arranged artistically into a dazzling glass vase. With their lovely heads up and about and their velvety petals outstretched, there is no way they can go unnoticed. So if you want to enthrall your lover with their beauty and your thoughtfulness, order the Red Roses Bloom now!
Product Details
- Flower Type: Rose
- Color of Flower: Red
- No of flower type: 40
- Fillers: White Color Gypsophila Gypsy Fillers
- Packaging: Transparent Glass Vase
- Bow: One Flower Glass Jar- 6 Inches