Our Exuberant Shaded Tulips bouquet is the perfect medium for celebrating the colours of life and spreading the joy of love. This bouquet is as vibrant as its name says and contains 30 beautiful mixed-color tulips. The fresh tulips come in shades as gorgeous as red, orange, purple, yellow, and pink, with 6 tulips of each shade. These lovely blooms come perched in a transparent glass vase with their slender long stems and emerald green leaves for company. So if you want to gift someone a rainbow in a vase and make their lives colourful, this is the perfect choice for you!
Product Details
- Flower Type: Tulip
- Color of Flower: Mixed
- No of flower type: 30
- Fillers: NA
- Packaging: Transparent Glass Vase
- Bow: One Flower Glass Jar- 6 Inches